AYC Move

Moving Tips

When beginning a move, it's always helpful to have a moving checklist. When you're moving your home in Toronto, Montreal, Moncton, Halifax and Edmonton, you can use all the moving tips you can get. Make your move hassle free with these easy moving tips. Here are some moving tips that might help you on your journey.

1. Begin Early

As soon as you decide that you are going to relocate, find the right moving partner. You need time and planning to make the move smooth, therefore, the earlier the better!

2. Choose the right Company

Cheaper isn’t always better. Make sure you understand completely what the company is offering within their package. The more details they give you the better. The contract that you sign should outline everything discussed.

3. Declutter

The best thing you can do is de clutter as much as possible. We all acquire possessions over the years that we either outgrow or don’t really need. Moving is the best time to get rid of the things that you haven’t used in years or are of longer any use to you. Donate, recycle, sell!

4. Discuss the minutest details

Your moving company consultant should be in a position to debate the tiniest details with you and put them down in the contract. You grasp how you want your belongings transported, where you want them in your new home, whether you require storage or not etc. A good moving company will guide you and accommodate you to the last detail thus that each one your desires are met and special circumstances are kept in mind.

5. Ask lots of questions

No question should go unanswered. After all, you are trusting the moving company with all your possessions. Ask all the questions you need to about the move, packaging, time frames, teams, and supervisor on site or anything else you need to know.

6. Use good quality boxes and packaging material

Using good quality material will ensure the least amount of damage to your goods. Be selective when purchasing boxes, as they will go a long way!

7. Don’t overload

This is really important because if you overload the boxes, there is a higher chance of damage of goods. Overloaded boxes can break during the transportation and can also be difficult to store in the truck or a storage facility.

8. Fragile items, glass items, china

While packing these items, be extra careful to pack them in paper with plenty of padding around them so they do not move or shift in the boxes. It might be a good idea to get the company you are using to pack these items. Companies are liable for items they pack, so essentially you are insuring these items if you get the professionals to pack them for you.

9. Survival Suitcase

Pack essentials for the family in a suitcase as no matter how carefully you pack and label your boxes, chances are you won’t be able to find them when needed. Have items in the suitcase that you might need for a couple of days so that you can unpack the boxes in an organized manner.

10. Plan, Plan, Plan

Plan your move in advance so that our team can place your items exactly where you want them in your new home. This will not only quicken the unpacking process for you but will also eliminate the need to take boxes from one room to the other once the movers have left.

11. Label Your Boxes

Label and make lists of items in each box. This way you will be able to find your items easily and will also help the movers but the boxes in the right rooms of the new homes.

12. Sentimental or Personal items

Items like passports, photo ID’s, jewellery, car titles, cash, financial and other important documents, laptops etc., should be kept with you during the move.

13. Restricted items

Items like flammables, explosives, sentimental value items, combustible liquids, compresses gas and perishables cannot be shipped.